Saturday, May 15, 2010

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

We had a summer-like storm last night. You know the type. The kind of storm where once blue skies turn dark before your very eyes. A rumble of thunder and a quick flash of lightning from the distance, warn of the beckoning storm. Warm, steamy temperatures and big, thick raindrops.

The rain came from nowhere and didn't last too long. Despite it's quick come and go, the storm was kind enough to leave us a rainbow to enjoy.

A little big of paradise in the suburbs of a booming metropolis.

In other, unweather related news, I cleaned my oven. Oh, yes I did. I sprayed the oven with cleaner last night and wiped it up this morning. While I claim to be shameless, and on many occasions I am, I did not take any before pictures. It was an embarrassing sight and I do have my limits.

But's clean!


I spent the majority of the morning cleaning. It's an endless cycle. ENDLESS.

By the time I finished cleaning and ate lunch, it was time to get ready for Caroline's soccer game.

Post game refreshment

Half time fuel

Quality control

Ready to go

As usual, Caroline spent half of the game in goal.

Goalie gloves remind me of Mickey Mouse hands.

The Tigers dominated this game (and won 5-0) so Caroline spent the majority of her goalkeeping time staring into space.

All the action was at the other end of the field!

That's okay, she got her turn to run

and kick.

Big feet = hard kicks.

Happy Saturday, everyone!


Sissy said...

I'm not a fan of cleaning the oven either!

Alison said...

I know, it's gross. And definitely my least favorite chore.
That's why I only do it when the oven starts to smoke more than normal!

Happy Sunday!