Friday, May 8, 2009

So, I Forgot the Camera

I had every intention of bringing the camera to Caroline's class play.
No, really.
I did.
Since we missed our usual Wednesday lunch date, due to Caroline's dentist appointment, I told her I'd come today. I figured I sit with her at lunch, run home, eat my own lunch, grab the camera and get back to the school for the play.
It seems that while my intentions are good, I'm easily, so very easily side tracked.
I had a hair emergency today.
I left my Body Combat class early to insure a prompt arrival at the school. However, without the opportunity to have my body fully cool down, I jumped in the shower only to find that after the shower, I was still sweating.
I hate that. Don't you just hate that?

Drying your hair while sweating is also less than enjoyable.
And kind of difficult. Counter productive.
So between fanning myself, blotting my face only to remove the make up I just slapped on, forgetting to apply conditioner and some Texas-style heavy handed hair spray application, I had a mess on my hands. Er, head.
I was trying out the flippy do, which was successful a few days ago.
Today. Not even close.
Caroline's lunch starts around 10:55am. At 10:57, and still at the gym, I whipped out my trusty flat iron.
It helped. But not as much as I would have liked.
I did my best, got in the car, disobeyed a few traffic laws and made it to the school, fashionably (sort of) late.

Lunch was enjoyable. And loud.
I'm sure the conversation was stimulating, as it always is, but I was hungry and unable to concentrate on anything but eating.
But not cafeteria food. It wasn't tater tot day. For tater tots, I *might* consider revoking my "no cafeteria food" personal ban.

Instead of going home for lunch, I suggested to Craig that we go to Subway.
So we did.
And then we swung by the library.
And then it was time to go to the school.

Without the camera.

Oh well.

Just picture Caroline in a white shirt and black pants sitting in a director's chair.
And lots of kids wearing mouse ears (not like the Mickey Mouse hats with your name stitched in yellow cursive).

The play, just like yesterday, was great.

I'm so thankful that Caroline has a teacher who sets such high expectations for her students.
They were proud of their hard work and put on quite a show.

And now it's Friday afternoon.
I haven't a single fun or interesting thing planned for the weekend.

Unless you consider grocery shopping with a seven year old fun.

I don't.

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