Sunday, May 10, 2009

Crushed Dreams

During today's grocery shopping trip test of patience, the gates of heaven opened, the hallelujah chorus began it's angelic refrain and hope felt as if it were making a comeback. No, not because Caroline behaved so well. Let's face it, she hates coming with me as much as I hate taking her. However, Sunday morning is Craig's best opportunity to go on a long run, something he really enjoys and looks forward to, so she didn't exactly have a choice. Come with me or eat canned beans for dinner.

The cause for the restoration of hope in my life was this:

Dark chocolate peanut butter.
On sale.
Plus a coupon.

With great hope, I imagined that this would become my new bff. Well, just my bff, because I don't have an old bff to replace. Unless you count the treadmill. Or the washing machine. Between the two, I spend quite a chunk of time with each throughout the week. They're fine and all, but they do make lousy lunch partners.

Sadly, as delicious as my potential bff appears, I was slightly disappointed.
I was hoping for bliss, but I got an a'ight instead.
The hallelujah chorus did not reappear.

Don't get me wrong, I won't be throwing it away, but I also won't be caught red handed with an open jar and a big spoon anytime soon.
Honestly, that's a good thing.
But still, all my Mother's Day hopes were crushed. Sniff, sniff.

We never go all out for holidays and special days, so my expectations are low.
However, if you would have told me eight years ago, when I first learned I was pregnant, that I'd be spending this Mother's Day, scrubbing bathtubs, entertaining a gaggle of other people's children and telling the tale of my pb woes, I wouldn't have believed it.

I'll just consider my less than exciting day a random act of service to others. I'm providing the other moms in my neighborhood with a lovely, quiet Mother's Day afternoon. While they're enjoying peace, quiet and perhaps a much longed for nap, I've got six kids over here, creating advertisement for a future lemonade stand, nurturing little sponge animals, collecting caterpillars and feeding crushed ice to the trees.


nancy said...

I love my poem!

It sounds like Craig's getting the best Mother's Day experience. Hmmm...does that make him a *mother*?
(I didn't say that.)
Well, his father-in-law is a *mother* too, so it runs in the family.

Alison said...

Well they say you marry someone like your father.
Yes, he got off easy, but he does have to work today. Sundays are really boring days at work, but atleast he has a tv to help pass the time.
While hiding from the kids, not wanting to share my popcorn, I found myself upstairs watching this horrible train wreck of a show on MTV called "Date My Mom." It was just terrible, but I couldn't turn away. Caroline is NEVER going to date. EVER. Since she's nothing like me, I assume she'll have all sorts of gentleman callers. I don't even want to think about it.....
