Thursday, April 9, 2009

So Tired

We went to DC today to take Flat Stanley to see the cherry blossoms.
Although quite windy, the day was beautiful, and we found ourselves walking and walking and walking. And walking some more.
Flat Stanley had a grand old time, but that's because his feet didn't touch the ground once. He was safely tucked away in my purse, enjoying the ride.
Sometime this weekend I'll write a post from Flat Stanley's perspective about his visit to the Federal City so I can forward it to Caroline's teacher. I'm sure you'll all be interested in what F.S. has to say.
The cherry blossoms (or cheery blossoms as Caroline is apt to call them) were very pretty.
We also made our way to the Jefferson Memorial, which we have neglected to visit so far. Even Craig, who has lived in this area three times over the last 15 years years had not been there yet.
I'm not really sure that I should write this because I'm sure I'll get it wrong, but I think that President Obama, who this week claimed that the United States is not a "Christian nation" should make the short walk from the White House over to the Jefferson Memorial for a US history refresher. Thomas Jefferson's words, etched into the walls of the memorial, dispute our current President's claims. Jefferson was reported to have not been a fan of organized religion, but he had no beef against religious ideals and sentiment. Our country is definitely not, and should not be a theocracy, but it's hard to reject the idea that the United States' foundation is solidly based on Christian principles.
On a lighter note, Craig and I experienced a Smith Family first at the Jefferson Memorial. We saw a transgendered person! If it weren't for the five o'clock shadow on HER, I wouldn't have thought twice about the encounter. However, it's hard to not notice copious amounts of facial stubble on a make up wearing, floral blouse sporting, blonde haired woMAN.
Interesting, to say the least.
All in all, it was a fun day.
Even with all the walking, Caroline was quite pleasant; this made our hearts happy.
Although, we did spend a good amount of time keeping her from walking into oncoming traffic, walking into parking meters, staying out of the runner's (who were out in droves) paths and encouraging her to stay away from the edge of the water. She's a walking wanderer. Crossing in front of you, running you off the sidewalk, paying absolutely no attention to her surroundings. I know I did the same thing as a kid, much to the annoyance of my mom.
Hmm, paybacks? Maybe.
Completely worn out from the trip and the miles upon miles of walking, we rewarded ourselves with ice cream from Baskin Robbins.
Always a welcomed treat.
Have you been to BR lately? Wow, it's expensive. Two single scoops, a medium shake and two bottle of water cost almost $16.
I could buy five half gallons of ice cream at the commissary for that price.
Oh well.
We don't do this often. Splurging is ok every once in awhile.
Especially when the splurge involves chocolate peanut butter ice cream.

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