Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday Sure Flew By

It flew by so fast that it's already Thursday.

My posting recently has been a bit more sporadic.  I try to blog everyday, but sometimes life gets in the way.  Well, life or writer's block.  Or lack of an interesting life to report about.  In yesterday's case, I was just busy.  I mean, I wasn't doing anything super exciting, but finding a few minutes to sit and blog just wasn't going to happen.

Of course, I wasn't so busy that I couldn't spend two hours at the gym, but I'm an addicted gym rat that's a given. Right after the gym, I showered and went to the grocery store across the parking lot because they had  BOGO ice cream.  In this house, ice cream is a necessity and BOGO just makes it all better.  They had some Chef Duff Goldman (aka 'The Ace of Cakes') inspired ice cream creations, including red velvet cake and wedding cake!  Cake!  Ice cream!  Together!  Cake (and butter cream!) flavored ice cream, particularly cake flavored ice cream with chunks of cake in it, makes my heart sing. 

I like a happy heart.

Please excuse that last paragraph's excessive use of exclamation points.  Ice cream and cake can do that to a girl.

I brought my ice cream home, ate the world's fastest lunch and went to Target where I proceeded to buy one of everything.  Seriously.  I don't usually go into Target and permit myself to buy whatever I want, because that's not exactly the ideal in fiscal responsibility, but for what ever reason, if I wanted it, I bought it.

Well, not reeeeallly.  But you know what I mean.

I went there for a new mattress cover for our guest bed (I'm having guests this weekend), but came out with so much more.  So much, in fact, that I called and left Craig the most rambling voice mail message ever.  Something about mattress pads, company, soap bottles that tip over in the basket, stress, Caroline's lamp being too babyish, Annie's organic ravioli for a buck,wanting, needing, buy, buy, BUY.

I'm exhausting sometimes. 

I think he found it amusing.

Oh wait, I didn't call him until after I went to Trader Joe's, too.  That's where I really bought one of everything.  The task was simple enough:  almond butter, pizza dough and artichoke hearts.   Except, somewhere around the granola bar section, my stomach growled and suddenly,  all bets were off.  You can only imagine how well that went.

On the bright side, it's all tasty food.  So tasty in fact that I inhaled a chewy chocolate chip granola bar and a huge hunk of whole wheat Tuscan pane bread on the car ride home.

Because it's totally normal to eat bread in the car.

I told you I was hungry.

Oh, and I bought myself some flowers, too.  They only cost $3.99, but I thought they'd cheer up the place for my weekend company.  Because my mom and her friend care that much about fresh flowers.

By the time I got home and unpacked my bags of excess and shame, I ripped through the house on a rampage, setting up Caroline's new lamp, filling my new soap containers that won't tip over in the basket (you have no idea what I'm talking about) and putting my house back together again, because it was in shambles.  Then it was time to pack Caroline a snack, grab her soccer gear and  pick her up from her after school Writer's Block meeting. She then changed her clothes, ate her snack in the school lobby as we waited for neighbor, Sarah, to finish her own meeting, so we could take her home (her mom was stuck at work).  Then it was back to school for soccer practice, which doesn't get over until 6:30.

Dinner, homework, laundry, dishes, watching Man vs. Food, ironing pillowcases (!), etc.

In sum:  it was a busy day. 

Thursday is already shaping up to be busy as well, except I'll stay far, far away from Target and Trader Joe's.




You know, after I published this post, I went up to take a shower.  As I cleansed myself and my dirty shower doors, I got to thinking about how many women deal with busy days like that every day.  They balance multiple children, who are enrolled in multiple activities, with real money paying jobs and their own household duties.  Here I am, out of whack, caring for my ONE child, stressing out over dumb things, spending money I don't have to earn.  Makes me sound like a spoiled princess.

I'm quite thankful that I can live my little life, care for my one kid and spend time at the gym every day.  Even doing just those simple things, I'm still neurotic.  Imagine if I  had a job and more kids to wrangle?  I wouldn't be the Neurotic Housewife; I'd be the Committed Housewife!

And for that, I'll count my blessings. 

Besides, I don't think you can blog from the nut house.

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