Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just Like Old Times

Can you hear it?

Hear what?


You can't hear anything. It's silent here at my house.

Well, if you were in my house, you'd hear talk radio in the background, the gentle hum of the air conditioner and the clicking of my lap top's keys as I type, but otherwise? Nada.

Caroline is at camp this week. I initially planned to keep her out of camps this summer, aside from the week at my mom's church's camp that is, but it's funny how things change. I copped out. I couldn't hack it. I signed Caroline up for a Rec-Pac week. Rec-Pac is a day camp provided by the parks and recreation department that is held in several different elementary schools throughout the county. It's a lot of fun and Caroline is having a blast, so I don't feel so bad about pawning her off on a bunch of teen aged camp counselors for a week. Besides, Caroline participated in a week of Rec-Pac last year and had an equally enjoyable time, so it's all good.

Two of Caroline's best buds are on vacation this week, so instead of subjecting ourselves to the boredom of having only ONE friend to play with (oh the horror!), we went the easy route and signed her up for 7 hours of constant fun and games each day.

Everyone wins.

Especially me! Which, as you know, is MOST important.

It's just like old times. This morning I carted Caroline and her lunch box off to camp and then went to the gym. I took my time at the gym and didn't have to rush, rush, rush to be done within the allotted time allowed for kids in the Kids Zone. I was not greeted at the Kids Zone door by an eager and slightly exasperated kid, who is always so gracious to let me know when I'm 35 seconds late. I did not have to hear pleas for lunch at McDonald's (which is in the parking lot of my gym) nor did I have to hear the incessant whining on the way home because the McDonald's idea was squashed.

I showered at the gym; went to the commissary to pick up a few things (and to Dunkin Donuts for iced coffee, shhh!). I came home, ate lunch and now find myself in my favorite blogging chair.

Just like old times.

I like old times.

Don't get me wrong, I love my kid. Caroline is smart and compliant and an over all good kid. Her full social social life keeps us busy and she provides me with plenty of dirty laundry entertainment.

She's noisy, though. And nosy, too. I can't do or say anything without my little shadow peering over my shoulder and inquiring about my conversations.

I feel sort of bad for getting rid of Caroline for the week, but I know that she's having fun. It's good for her to get a break from her usual playmates; and my house is thankful for the lack of abuse it's receiving this week, as well. Also, fewer fights and grumpy moments occur when the girls have a break from each other.

Heh, that's sort of like marriage. Craig and I get along VERY VERY well when he's gone. In six months of deployment I've only gotten mad at him ONCE. That's like a Smith family record

I suppose absence does make the heart grow fonder.

And more friendly. And less nit picky.


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